EnGen and Futuro Health to create 1,000 jobs for Spanish-speakers in California


The pandemic has shone a light on not only healthcare’s staffing challenges, but also the inadequate and unequal care too many patients with limited English proficiency receive. To meet this challenge head on, we are partnering with Futuro Health to create a comprehensive English for Allied Healthcare course, now available to 1,000 Spanish-speakers in California. 

Through the partnership, Futuro Health will offer EnGen contextualized English for allied health courses to develop the language proficiency of adult learners and help create pathways for career advancement. EnGen’s suite of healthcare courses includes our English for Certified Nursing Assistants and English for Healthcare, among others, and the forthcoming English for Medical Assistants that EnGen is creating for use by Futuro Health programs. The courses are part of a pathway program, designed to give job-seekers the English they need for healthcare career training, as well as allow people currently working in healthcare to improve their English skills.

One of EnGen’s strengths is our ability to take real-world content and turn it into English language lessons very quickly. Designed for high beginner and intermediate English learners, course materials are relevant and contextualized based on the learner’s unique skills, proficiency levels, and performance. Here’s what one Futuro Health student, Viviana Row has to say after completing EnGen’s Allied Healthcare course:

Futuro’s commitment to addressing not only the healthcare skills gap but also to creating meaningful career pathways for Spanish speakers and improving the quality of patient care will improve countless lives. We are very proud to be their partner. Click to read more about this initiative.

Katie Nielson