Have questions? Ask the chatbot in the bottom right corner! ↘️ Type your question in any language!
Français: Avez-vous des questions ? Posez-les au chatbot en bas à droite ! ↘️ Tapez votre question dans n'importe quelle langue !
Український: Маєте запитання? Запитайте чат-бота в нижньому правому куті! ↘️ Напишіть своє запитання будь-якою мовою!
Português: Tem perguntas? Pergunte ao chatbot no canto inferior direito! ↘️ Digite sua pergunta em qualquer idioma!
Kreyòl ayisyen: Gen kesyon? Mande chatbot la nan kwen anba dwat! ↘️ Tape kesyon ou a nan nenpòt lang!
العربية: هل لديك أسئلة؟ اطرح سؤالك على روبوت المحادثة في الزاوية اليمنى السفلية! ↘️ اكتب سؤالك بأي لغة
中文:有问题?询问右下角的聊天机器人!↘️ 用任何语言输入您的问题!
Frequently Asked Questions
Watch this video to learn how to activate your EnGen account.
If you will access EnGen directly (and not through another school or program), you will receive an email with the subject "Welcome to EnGen - Activate your account." The below image shows an example of this email:
Click on the button “ACTIVATE MY ACCOUNT” in the email and follow the steps provided to get started with your EnGen program!
If you will access EnGen via another school or program, you may not receive an activation email from EnGen. Please follow your school's or program's instructions to activate your EnGen account.
You can access EnGen from your laptop or desktop computer by going to https://app.getengen.com/v2/#/home. If you are not already logged in, you will need to enter your login information (the email address you use for your EnGen account and your password) in order to access your account.
If you would like to change the language of your account, follow the steps below:
Go to your EnGen homepage, and click on your initials in the top right corner of the page. Then, click on “Profile”:
On your Profile page, in the “Account Status” section, click on the Edit button in the top right corner:
Click on the language under the section “Native language.” A drop-down menu will appear:
Scroll through the languages until you reach the language that you want to switch your account to. (You can also type your language into the box). Click on that language to select it:
Click “Save.”
Your account will now be in the language you chose.
**NOTE**: When you update the language of your account, this may affect the emails and text messages you receive from EnGen. For example, if you switch the language of your account from Spanish to English, you will now receive communications from EnGen in English.
To see what tasks you should complete each week, check your email on Sundays.
EnGen's Sunday email summarizes your progress, invites you to workshops, and reminds you of the tasks you should do this week!
This email contains the following information:
A progress report of all the great work you did over the last week
What you should do in your EnGen program this week
Invitations to EnGen's workshops on the Learner Calendar
Links to courses that we recommend you take
Watch this video to learn how to enroll in a course on EnGen.
EnGen Homepage:
At the beginning of your program, EnGen may automatically assign courses to you based on your professional and/or social goals. When you log in, you will see 3 courses on your EnGen homepage. For each course, one unit will be displayed. You can click the button “Start” to begin the activities in that unit.
Note: You do not need to complete a unit or a course before starting another one. You can work in as many units and courses as you would like, but only 3 units will be displayed on your EnGen homepage at a time.
EnGen Catalog:
To find courses to enroll in, visit the EnGen Catalog and search for keywords, such as “customer service,” “nursing,” “social integration,” or “GED.” You can search for keywords based on your interests. For example, if you are interested in learning about nursing, you could search for keywords like "healthcare", "patient care", "nursing", or "NCLEX-RN".
If a course has been assigned to you, you will see the word “ASSIGNED” in the bottom left corner of the course image. If you are currently enrolled in a course, you will see the word “ENROLLED” in the bottom left corner of the course image.
Use the filters on the left-hand side of the page to narrow your search and to find courses that correspond to your English level. Some courses might not be available to you if they require a more advanced English level. If a course is unavailable to you, a lock will appear over the course image with the message “This course is above your current level.”
After you click on a course you are interested in, click on the "Enroll" button, and all the units will be displayed. Under each unit, click on "Lessons" to review the unit's content to make sure it aligns with your goals and interests. Next, click on "Start", and the unit will now be on your EnGen homepage as one of your active units!
When you enroll in a course, you do not have to complete all the units, unless your company or organization specifically requires it. However, when you start a unit, you must finish all the lessons. EnGen measures your progress by the number of units completed.
The EnGen Proficiency Assessment (PA) is a test that is designed to measure your general level of English. EnGen uses your score on the PA to show you courses appropriate to your English level – so that you are neither overwhelmed nor bored with your courses. After a few months, your next PA may be available to take. When you take the PA a second (or third, or fourth) time, EnGen (and you!) can see how your English skills have improved throughout your program!
Depending on your program, you may have access to the Proficiency Assessment (PA). You might be required to take your first PA when you start your EnGen program, or you may be in a program that doesn't require you to take the PA immediately (or at all).
If you have access to the PA, you can check the top right corner of your EnGen homepage to see when your next assessment became available or when it will be available in the future. Typically, learners take the PA every 2 or 3 months to see how their English has improved and to gain access to higher level English courses. If your next PA is not available yet, you will see the number of days until your next PA as well as the date of your next PA on the top of your EnGen homepage:
If your next PA is available, you will see a button "Test your level" that you can click to take your PA. You will also see the date that your PA became available:
PA2 -
After you take the Proficiency Assessment (PA), you can download a certificate that shows your proficiency level in English. First, click on the Performance tab at the top of your EnGen homepage. Then click on "My Level". Scroll down to the bottom of the page until you see your PA score. Click on your PA score. On the next page, you can click on "Print Certificate" to download your certificate.
The EnGen Proficiency Assessment (PA) is a test that is designed to measure your general level of English in a context that is usually new to you. Depending on your program, you may or may not have access to the Proficiency Assessment (PA). You might be required to take your first PA when you start your EnGen program, or you may be in a program that doesn't require you to take the PA immediately (or at all). If you have access to the PA, you may take it every 2 or 3 months. A Unit Achievement Test is what you should take when you complete a Unit in one of your Courses. A Unit Achievement Test measures how well you mastered the specific content you learned in that Unit.
About the PA
• The PA is important because it helps us and you understand the progress you have made in your English skills during your EnGen program!
• The PA has 3 sections: grammar, listening, and reading. The assessment takes 30-40 minutes to complete.
• The questions in each section are multiple choice. There is always the option to click “I don’t know”. It is okay if you don't know the answer to every question.
• Take your time, but don't spend too much time on a question if you find it too difficult.
• If your next PA is ready, you can take it by clicking here or by going to your EnGen homepage and clicking on "Test your level" in the upper right corner:
About Unit Achievement Tests
• When you finish a Unit, you should take the Unit Achievement Test to see how well you mastered the content in that Unit.
• For example, if you complete 5 Units during your EnGen program, this means you should have completed 5 Unit Achievement Tests by the end of your program.
• Unit Achievement Tests take between 10-30 minutes to complete. If you don't pass a Unit Achievement Test on your first attempt, you can take it again.
• When you complete a Unit, you will see the following screen that shows you it's time to take your Unit Achievement Test:
UT v PA EN 2
You can also see on your EnGen homepage that you are ready to take your Unit Achievement Test:
UT v PA EN 3
Once you've passed your Unit Achievement Test, you will see a page that says "Congratulations!" and gives you your score on the test:
UT v PA EN 4 -
Check out EnGen's Learner Calendar to see what sessions we are hosting over the next few weeks!
EnGen regularly hosts the following live sessions:
English Help Session – English Help Sessions are an opportunity to meet with an EnGen instructor to ask your questions about English—grammar, vocabulary, or anything else you need help with!
Learner Welcome Session – The Learner Welcome Session is held every week, with sessions in English and Spanish. This session is for learners at the beginning of their EnGen program. During this session, we discuss how to activate your EnGen account and log in to the EnGen platform, how to navigate the platform, and how to find the content and activities that will be the most helpful and interesting to you!
Career Readiness Workshop – This workshop provides learners with information and skills to help them prepare for their career. In previous sessions, we have discussed the job search, writing a resume/CV, preparing for job interviews, and how to build your LinkedIn profile.
English Grammar Workshop – During this workshop, we answer your grammar questions! Are you confused about verb tenses? Do you struggle with word order when forming questions? Do you need help with negation? This workshop is for learners at any English level.
Pronunciation Workshop – This workshop is for learners who want to improve their speaking skills in English! We discuss the pronunciation of words (with a focus on stressed vs. unstressed syllables), vowel sounds, rhythm and intonation of sentences, and more!
Beginner Workshop – This workshop is for learners at the Beginner or High Beginner level in English. In this workshop, we learn how to use EnGen, discuss strategies for learning online, practice speaking English with other learners, practice English vocabulary and grammar, and more!
Advanced English Conversation Workshop – This workshop is for learners at the High Intermediate level or above in English. In this workshop, you will practice conversational English as you role-play real-world scenarios that will challenge you to think critically, use concise language to express yourself, and focus on the nuances of vocabulary and meaning in context.
Writing Workshop Drop-In Tutoring – If your EnGen program includes the Writing Workshop, you have access to Writing Workshop Drop-In Tutoring. This is an optional, collaborative group writing session. Learners can join or leave this session at any time. Learners should bring their own writing assignment as well as any writing questions that they want help with. Learners can work in small groups to edit and review their own writing or edit a writing sample (provided by the writing teacher) together.
Open Coaching Hours – Open Coaching Hours are for learners who have an EnGen Coach or who have support from the EnGen Coaching Team. You can join these sessions at any time during the Coach's 2-hour window to receive support, learn how to navigate the EnGen platform, discuss your goals and how EnGen can help, and ask any questions you may have!
Depending on your program, you may not be eligible to attend all of these live sessions. Make sure to check your inbox regularly for emails from help@getengen.com with more information.
Note:Depending on your program, you may not have access to any or all of EnGen's added services.
EnGen offers the following added services:
GROUP CLASSES: EnGen offers live online group classes on many interesting topics. EnGen's group classes give you the opportunity to learn with other people from around the world who have similar interests and experiences as you! We understand that it can be intimidating to join a class conducted in another language, and it may be scary to speak in front of other people. But you can improve your English a lot by listening to a teacher and other learners, and you can improve your confidence a lot by practicing your English speaking skills in a safe and positive environment – where you are encouraged to make mistakes!
Learners who take group classes make more progress in learning English - and faster!
PRIVATE CLASSES: EnGen offers private one-on-one classes with a certified instructor online. Taking a private class is a great way to practice speaking and pronunciation and to work on other skills that you may find challenging. Private classes are the best time to focus on specific aspects of the English language that you have trouble with.
WRITING WORKSHOP: EnGen's Writing Workshop is an online, personalized English language writing program. EnGen's writing teachers provide personalized instruction and give you writing prompts to help you practice the type of writing that suits your needs, goals, and English level. You may work on any type of writing needed for your career, education, or everyday life.
COACHING: If your program includes Coaching, you will be assigned an EnGen Coach. Your Coach supports and guides you through your English learning journey with EnGen. They will answer your questions and empower you as you work towards reaching your goals.
Your EnGen Coach can help you:
Understand your progress
Overcome obstacles and answer your questions
Find the resources and content that are right for you
Understand what you should focus on in order to be successful
Stay motivated throughout your program
You will have the opportunity to connect with your EnGen Coach in the following ways:
Personal or small-group meetings by video or over the phone
Weekly Open Coaching Hours
Text messages & emails
Note: Depending on your program, you may not have access to any or all of EnGen's added services.
To find out which added services your EnGen program includes, you should check:
The email you receive on Sundays – If your EnGen program includes access to group classes, private classes, or the Writing Workshop, this email includes tasks for these services.
The email you received on the 1st day of your EnGen program – If you started your EnGen program in January 2024 or later, you received an email on the first day of your program that lists what your EnGen program includes. Look for an email with a subject that includes “Welcome to EnGen” (in English or your language).
Depending on your program, you may or may not have access to live online group classes.
Signing up for a group class: You can sign up to attend a group class by clicking on this link. You can also access this page by going to your EnGen homepage > click Live Instruction at the top of the page > click Group Classes.
EnGen offers online group classes 24/7. In other words, EnGen offers group classes every day of the week, at any time of day!
If you have access to group classes, click here to go to the Group Classes page. The page looks like this:
You can filter your search for a group class by choosing the day of the week and the time of day when you would like to attend a group class. For example, if you would like to attend a group class on Wednesday from 12pm to 12:30pm, you should deselect all days of the week except for Wednesday (“WED") so that only Wednesday is dark blue. Then, choose your desired start time and end time for the group class by choosing times from the drop-down menus:
You will see the group classes that meet your filter criteria and that are still available:
Note: The start time and end time of the group classes are in the time zone of your account. For example, if your account time zone is set to “America/New York,” then a group class from 12pm to 12:30pm means that it starts at 12pm Eastern Time (ET), and it ends at 12:30pm ET.
If you would like to change the time zone of your account, follow the steps below:
Go to your EnGen homepage, and click on your initials in the top right corner of the page. Then, click on “Profile":
On your Profile page, in the “Account Status” section, click on the Edit button in the top right corner:
Click on the time zone under the section “Time zone.” A drop-down menu will appear:
Scroll through the time zones until you reach your time zone. (You can also type a city into the box). Click on that time zone to select it:
Click “Save.”
Your time zone will now be updated.
The United States has 4 main time zones: Eastern Time, Central Time, Mountain Time, and Pacific Time. If you are in Alaska or Hawaii, you will have a different time zone.
To find the time zone in your specific city or town, go to google.com and enter the name of your city or town, as well as the state you live in, followed by the words "time zone". For example, if you live in Baltimore, Maryland, you would type "Baltimore, Maryland time zone". Then click "Google Search". The first search result will be your city or town's time zone.Usually, email invitations from EnGen for live sessions give the time of the session in Eastern Time. If a live session starts at 5pm Eastern Time, here are the start times in other time zones:
5pm Eastern Time (ET, EST, EDT)
= 4pm Central Time (CT, CST, CDT)
= 3pm Mountain Time (MT, MST, MDT)
= 2pm Pacific Time (PT, PST, PDT)
To compare your time zone with a different time zone, you can use this time zone converter.
Note: Most states and regions of the United States participate in Daylight Savings, which is when we set our clocks forward one hour in the spring and set our clocks back one hour in the fall. However, there are some parts of the U.S. that do not participate in Daylight Savings, including Hawaii and most of Arizona. You should always double-check your time zone online before a live session or a group class with EnGen.
Canada has 6 time zones: Eastern Time, Central Time, Mountain Time, Pacific Time, Atlantic Time, and Newfoundland Time Zone.
To find the time zone in your specific city or town, go to google.com and enter the name of your city or town, as well as the province you live in, followed by the words "time zone". For example, if you live in Kingston, Ontario, you would type "Kingston, Ontario time zone". Then click "Google Search". The first search result will be your city or town's time zone.
Usually, email invitations from EnGen for live sessions give the time of the session in Eastern Time. If a live session starts at 5pm Eastern Time, here are the start times in other time zones:
5pm Eastern Time (ET, EST, EDT)
= 4pm Central Time (CT, CST, CDT)
= 3pm Mountain Time (MT, MST, MDT)
= 2pm Pacific Time (PT, PST, PDT)
= 6pm Atlantic Time (AT, AST, ADT)
= 6:30pm Newfoundland Time (NT, NST, NDT)
To compare your time zone with a different time zone, you can use this time zone converter.
Note: Most provinces and regions of Canada participate in Daylight Savings, which is when we set our clocks forward one hour in the spring and set our clocks back one hour in the fall. However, there are some parts of Canada that do not participate in Daylight Savings, including some parts of British Columbia and Quebec. You should always double-check your time zone online before a live session or a group class with EnGen.
See the information below to learn about the dedicated members of our Coaching Team!
⬆️ Adriana – Adriana is originally from Colombia. She immigrated to the United States in 2008. She speaks Spanish and English.
⬆️ Ahmad – Ahmad is originally from Afghanistan. He immigrated to the United States in 2021. He speaks English, Pashto, Dari, Farsi, and Urdu.
⬆️ Alaa – Alaa is originally from Iraq. He immigrated to the United States in 2016. He speaks English and Arabic.
⬆️ Annie– Annie is originally from Haiti. She immigrated to the United States in 2001. She speaks Haitian Creole, French, and English.
⬆️ Anya – Anya is originally from Russia, and she immigrated to the United States in 2017. She speaks Russian and English.
⬆️ Camila – Camila is originally from Ecuador. She immigrated to the United States in 2017. She speaks Spanish and English.
⬆️ Catalina – Catalina is originally from Colombia. She immigrated to the United States in 2002. She speaks Spanish and English.
⬆️ Carolina – Carolina is originally from Panama. She immigrated to the United States in 2007. She speaks Spanish and English.
⬆️ Cristina – Cristina is originally from Brazil, and she immigrated to the United States in 2021. She speaks Portuguese, Spanish and English.
⬆️ Gabrielle – Gabrielle's mother is from Canada, and Gabrielle grew up in the United States. She speaks Spanish, French and English.
⬆️ Gaelle – Gaelle is originally from Haiti, and she immigrated to the United States in 2000. She speaks Haitian Creole, French and English.
⬆️ Kenia – Kenia is originally from Mexico. She immigrated to the United States in 2021. She speaks French, Spanish, and English.
⬆️ Lorena – Lorena is originally from Colombia. She immigrated to Canada in 2002. She speaks Spanish and English.
⬆️ Mariya – Mariya is originally from Ukraine. She immigrated to the United States in 2022. She speaks English, Ukrainian, Russian, and Portuguese.
⬆️ Paula – Paula is originally from Colombia, and she immigrated to the United States in 2018. She speaks Spanish and English.
⬆️ Sara – Sara is originally from Nicaragua, and she immigrated to the United States in 2022. She speaks Spanish and English.
⬆️ Vanessa – Vanessa's family is from Mexico, and she was born and raised in the United States. She speaks Spanish and English.
⬆️ Xochitl – Xochitl is originally from Mexico and the Dominican Republic. She immigrated to the United States in 1991. She speaks Spanish and English.
Enrolling in group classes is a great way to practice your speaking and listening skills in English. Group classes are available 24/7.
You can also use EnGen's Pronunciation Practice feature. This feature is available only on your desktop, not on the EnGen mobile app. With the Pronunciation Practice feature, you can practice pronouncing the words you have learned. EnGen's technology will analyze your pronunciation and give you feedback.
To find the Pronunciation Practice feature on EnGen, go to your EnGen homepage > click Practice at the top of the page > click Word Bank > click the pink “Pronunciation Practice” button on the right to start the activity.
The image below shows you this feature:
It's easy to see when your access to the platform will expire. If you're using a computer, click on your initials in the top right corner of the EnGen homepage. Then click on "Profile". Next to "Account Status" you will see the date that your subscription ends. This is the date when your access to the platform expires. The below images show these steps:
If you're using a smartphone, you can go to the EnGen mobile application and follow the steps as shown in the following images:
It depends on the program through which you access EnGen (i.e., your school, employer, organization, etc.). Depending on your program, you may receive an email or text message from us with instructions for re-enrollment before your access to EnGen expires. If you have any questions about re-enrolling in EnGen, email help@getengen.com.
If you are a learner with Guild, you will get an email or text message (from Guild and/or EnGen) to let you know that it is time to apply again.
When it is time to apply again, follow these steps:
Log in to your Guild account.
Scroll down to the Confirm your Enrollment section.
Select Yes to continue your enrollment for another six months.
Click Save.
Once you click Save, you should see a message that says, "Enrollment confirmed."
To reset your password, you can follow the steps in the images below.
1. On the login page, click on "Forgot your password?" A message will appear saying that an email has been sent to you to reset your password.
2. Go to your inbox and look for the email to reset your password. Once you open this email, click on the green button that says "Reset your password".
3. You will see the following webpage. In the first box, enter your new password. In the second box, confirm your new password by entering it again. Then click on the blue button that says RESET.
4. Finally, click on "Click here to log in" and log in using your new password.
If you are a learner with Guild, Aprende, Ed2go, ProLiteracy/New Readers Press, or Penn Foster, go to the section “Organization-specific Contact Information” below.
All other learners:
If you have a question about your EnGen program, the EnGen website, or the EnGen mobile app, click here to submit a ticket to our team, or email help@getengen.com. If you have a technical issue, please include the following information in your email:
The email address that you use for your EnGen account
The part of the EnGen platform that is experiencing the issue (ex: a particular unit, the Proficiency Assessment, the Word Bank, signing up for a group class, etc.)
Details about the issue (What's going wrong? What's not working properly? What error are you getting?)
The device you are using (ex: laptop, smartphone (iPhone/Android), tablet, etc.)
If you are using a smartphone or mobile device, please also include:
The mobile app version you are using (we release new versions monthly)
The software version of your mobile device (the mobile app runs properly for the most updated software versions)
The web browser you are using (ex: Chrome, Safari, etc.)
Screenshots of the issue
All of this information will help us solve the issue as quickly as possible!
Organization-specific Contact Information:
Guild learners:
Contact Guild Customer Support here.
Guild Support phone number: +1 (800) 985-4027. If necessary, you should ask to speak to a bilingual Spanish-English coach.
Aprende learners:
Aprende Support email address: contacto@aprende.com
Aprende Support phone number: +1 (305) 908-3413
Ed2go Learners:
For questions about your Ed2go account, contact your student advisor by email at Ed2go.advisor@cengage.com.
For general support, call 855-520-6806 or use Ed2go's LIVE CHAT.
ProLiteracy/New Readers Press learners:
ProLiteracy Support email address: support@proliteracy.org
Penn Foster learners:
If you are an enrolled student and have questions about your program, please contact Student Services at +1-888-427-1000. If calling from outside the USA, call +1-570-961-4033.
If you are a Penn Foster learner enrolled through Guild, please call +1-800-840-0457.
Learners can also email Student Services by logging in and clicking the Help & Support section of your student portal.
Other ways to contact EnGen for help:
If you have an EnGen Coach, you can email or text your Coach using the contact information included in the emails and/or text messages he/she sends.