eLearning Library

The EnGen eLearning Library offers on-demand professional learning for your teachers all year long. The eLearning Library is your convenient professional learning access point for pre-recorded workshops and teacher of practice sessions hosted by EnGen experts and teaching professionals.


eLearning Workshop Library

Let our experts help your teachers use EnGen effectively. EnGen’s professional eLearning recorded workshops support effective EnGen implementation.

  • What is the Flipped Classroom? Part I (recording)

    In this workshop, Dr. Katie Brown, EnGen Founder and Chief Education Office begins with an overview of what a “FLIP” is, different kinds of flipped models, and engages the audience in conversation around implementation best practices in support of greater student success.

  • Corrective Feedback (recording)

    In this workshop, Dr. Brown discusses how Corrective Feedback can be used as a powerful tool for addressing errors and solidifying expectations. Workshop highlights include: the difference between implicit and explicit feedback, how to balance communicative competence and structural accuracy, and best practices for offering corrective feedback that is motivating.

  • Embracing The Flipped Classroom-Planning & Execution-Part II (recording)

    By starting small, faculty can learn what works best for them in terms of planning and execution and they can prepare their students appropriately for the flipped learning experience. In Part II of this workshop Dr. Brown highlights a sample flipped classroom teaching plan using EnGen, and an array of tools and techniques to engage students outside of classroom instruction. This along with a lot of great discussion is a workshop not to miss!

  • Lesson Planning Made Easy with EnGen (recording)

    In this workshop hosted by Kristina Ekiz, discover how you can use EnGen to save time on lesson planning and your learners study real-world English to improve language and accelerate workforce skills at the same time.

    This workshop explores what tools teachers have at their disposal to plan and teach with when using EnGen. You will review the pedagogic architecture of EnGen lessons and activities by taking a deep dive into our course list, and you will be able to plan for and identify the needs of your students using a simple but impactful Needs Analysis.


    This foundational level workshop hosted by Dr. Christine Smith viewers gain a basic understand of two reports in the EnGen Administrative Portal that can be used to support actionable insights for powerful changes to support EnGen learners. In addition, we overview the EnGen Performance section of the platform that learners can access. This is a great tool for learners that can be used to support conversations around data. Helping our learners understand the language around data, how it is used, how it’s collected, and why it’s collected helps them understand that they can be empowered by it which in turn helps them reach their English goals faster.

  • Tips for a Highly Engaged Classroom (Recording)

    Learn from EnGen engagement expert Adam Kaplan how to leverage the platform, devices, and social communities to engage with learners daily to keep students motivated in their English program.

  • February 2023 Q&A with Dr. Katie Brown (recording)

    Open Q&A with EnGen Founder and Chief Education Officer Katie Brown, PhD. Includes questions about the platform, implementation, and lesson planning.

eLearning Lunch & Learn Library

EnGen teachers are full of great ideas that can enhance educator’s teaching experience. Let’s learn from each other by viewing our previously recorded Community of Practice session.

  • Lesson Planning with Jillian Gierke (recording)

    Jillian Gierke, Director of Programs at Graces Foundation.

    During our discussion, Jillian shared about her program and learners at the Graces Foundation and how she taps into EnGen and uses it to plan her lessons and support students' needs.

  • Motivation with Anya Enright (recording)

    Anya Enright serves as the Project Lead for the program, My American Dream, funded by a grant with Write Her Future/Lancome. During our discussion, Anya shared about her program as well as tips on how she motivates and engages adults during the learning process.

  • Lunch & Learn with Laura & Manfred (recording)

    Manfred and Laura have had a long career serving adults in various capacities across Minnesota. During our discussion, they shared more about their program in Anoka-Hennepin Intermediate School District , what gives them passion as teachers, and some helpful resources they are doing around pronunciation that educators can use with learners to support instruction.

  • Digital Literacy and Career Pathways with Irina Petranek (recording)

    Irina is a Career Pathways Navigator at Lewiston Adult Education in Lewiston, Maine. During our discussion, Irina shared information and tips about how she implements EnGen in the classroom, where her focus is on supporting learners with their digital literacy skills and helping them to navigate career pathways.

  • Nursing pathways with Carol and Chadd (recording)

    Carol is a nursing instructor and Chadd is an ESL instructor at Bucks County Community College in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. During our discussion, Carol and Chadd shared how they have teamed up to support English language learners in the nursing program at BCCC so they can successfully prepare for the NCLEX exam.